Poster session

30 Years Distributing Morphology from North to South

Poster session

October 5th


October 6th


Adjectival modification illuminating characteristics of roots

Janayna Carvalho (UFMG)

Aline Oliveira-Rodrigues (UFMG)

The strange relation between prefix re- and indirect arguments in Brazilian Portuguese

Alessandro Boechat de Medeiros (UFRJ)

Ana Regina Vaz Calindro (UFRJ)

The meaning of roots in polysemous words: on the relationship between lexicon and argument structure

Isabella Lopes Pederneira (UFRJ)

Giovanna Pereira Abranches (UFRJ)

Transitivity and ergativity: the LVC dar a louca in the light of Distributed Morphology

Vinicius Albuquerque de Souza (UNICAMP)

Lígia Alves Cabral (UFPE)

The status of /e/ and /i/ in plantemo and conhecimo under both Distributed Morphology and X-Bar Morphology frameworks

Ivelã Pereira (IFSC)

Formation of complex compositional and idiomatic words in the Brazilian Portuguese: a comparison between the constructionist models of Generative Grammar

Thays Ferreira Alves (UFRJ)

The prefix pré- in Brazilian Portuguese grammar

Lucas Sales Favoreto (UFMG)

The nature of classifiers in Libras in a generative view

Aline Garcia Rodero-Takahira (UFJF)

Hadassa Rodrigues Santos (UFJF)

Semantic change in the sublexical domain: the suffixes –ári(o) and -eir(o)

Núbia Vitória Moreira Diniz (UFMG)

Lexical innovation in Portuguese: a case-study of loan words

Kelvin Jesus Oliveira Silva (UFMG)

Towards an independent categorial status for adverbs: -mente formation in Brazilian Portuguese

Bianca Agrelli Rodrigues (UFJF)