Call for papers

30 Years Distributing Morphology from North to South, São Paulo, Brazil - October 3rd to October 6th

2023 marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of Distributed Morphology and the pieces of Inflection (HALLE & MARANTZ, 1993), a seminal paper that argues for the generation of words in the syntactic component, with the use of the same tools and principles generally available for sentence building. As is well-known, the paper also discusses possible post-syntactic adjustments to word derivations and advocates for late insertion of phonological content. Because of the influence DM has in the way generativists conceive word formation now, the event 30 years Distributing Morphology from North to South aims at gathering researchers interested in discussing the impact DM has had on the way we think about the generation of words and sentences nowadays, how this way of thinking is different from previous decades of work about the structure of words, the next steps for this model, and its relationship with other approaches that it inspired.

  • We aim for contributions related (but not limited) to:
(i) The similarities and the differences between word and sentence formation;
(ii) The conceptual and empirical necessity (or not) for post-syntactic operations;
(iii) The similarities and differences between DM and other generative models that form words within the syntactic component, such as the exoskeletal model (Borer 2003;2005) nanosyntax (Starke, 2009) and morphology as syntax (Collins & Kayne, 2023);
(iv) Empirical studies of word and sentence formation that endorse or challenge DM proposals;
(v) Phenomena that shed some light on current debates within the DM theory, such as the nature of roots and phases in word formation.

30 Years Distributing Morphology from North to South will take place from October 3rd to October 6th , 2023 at University of São Paulo (USP), in São Paulo, Brazil. Being hosted in Brazil, the discussions will inevitably highlight the undeniable influence DM has had in the generative community in South America.

The confirmed conference speakers are Alec Marantz (NYU), Andrés Saab (UBA), and David Embick (UPenn). There will also be roundtables for discussion of specific topics. Our confirmed roundtable speakers are Alessandro Boechat de Medeiros (UFRJ), Ana Paula Scher (USP/UFJF/CNPq), Aniela Improta França (UFRJ), Indaiá de Santana Bassani (UNIFESP)Maria Filomena Spatti Sandalo (UNICAMP), and Vitor Augusto Nóbrega (USP).

Abstracts submitted to this conference must be anonymous. They must be up to two pages A4 long, with 2.5 cm margins. The text must be single-spaced and typed with a font size 12. References and examples must be included within this page limit. One individual can only submit up to two abstracts, being the sole author in one of them and a co-author of the other.

May 15thJune 15th July 10th: submission of abstracts
July 15th August 15th: feedback
September 1st: final program

All presentations must be in English

All abstracts must be submitted via EasyAbs platform through the link: