Oral presentation
All communications...
1... will last 30 minutes in all: 20-25 minutes for presentation, and the remaining time for questions
2... must be in English
3... can be presented with either slides or handouts. In both cases, the event's logo must be included
Poster presentation
All posters...
1... must include title, author/co-author names, and affiliation. Authors should also include their email addresses for contact, right after their names
2... should contain basic topics such as Introduction, Methods, Results, Conclusions and References
3... must be written in English and include the event’s logo. The particular design of the poster is the authors’ responsibility
4... should be around 120 cm high by 90 cm wide
5... are recommended to have a font size of 28px for the body of the text and 60px for the title, to ensure readability. Authors are free to choose the size and font type
6... are required to be set up 15 minutes prior to the session