2023 marks the 30th anniversary of the publication of Distributed Morphology and the pieces of Inflection (HALLE & MARANTZ, 1993), a seminal paper that argues for the generation of words in the syntactic component, with the use of the same tools and principles generally available for sentence building.
Therefore, 30 Years Distributing Morphology from North to South (DM30) is an event for researchers, professors, and students who work in the broad area of Linguistics, with a focus on studies developed under the DM framework. The event will take place from October 3 to 6, 2023, at the University of São Paulo. The idealization and realization of DM30 is the result of a partnership among five researchers of Distributed Morphology in Brazil: Ana Paula Scher (USP / UFJF / CNPq), Indaiá de Santana Bassani (UNIFESP), Janayna Maria da Rocha Carvalho (UFMG), Maurício Sartori Resende (UFMG), and Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin (UFJF).
The DM30 program includes two days dedicated to mini-course and two days of workshop. The event will also feature the presence of three international and six national guest speakers - all of them researchers in DM.