The workshop

30 Years Distributing Morphology from North to South

The workshop

October 5th


October 6th


8:30 - 10


Distributed Morphology: history and promise

Alec Marantz (New York University)


Maurício Resende (UFMG)

Janayna Carvalho (UFMG)


Distributing morphology beyond the interfaces

Vitor Augusto Nóbrega (USP)

Aniela Improta França (UFRJ)

Indaiá de Santana Bassani (UNIFESP)

10 - 10:30

The role of phonology and semantics on the neutralization of -ear and -iar verb endings in Brazilian Portuguese

Lucas Pereira Eberle (UNICAMP)

10:30 - 11   Coffee break
11 - 11:30

Functional or lexical? A Distributed Morphology analysis of Russian suppletive verbs

Alexandra Costa de Lopes Dutra (UFRJ)

Children acquire their lexicon without prioritizing “words”

Paulo Ângelo de Araújo-Adriano (UFPR/UNICAMP)

Rafael Beraldo (UNICAMP)

11:30 - 12

The categorial status of participles in verbal passives

Lydsson Agostinho Gonçalves (UFJF)

Karina Carolina Vieira (UFJF)

Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin (UFJF)

On loanwords: a constructionist analysis of generative grammar

Giovana Pereira Abranches (UFRJ)

Bruno de Souza Medeiros (UFRJ)

Isabella Lopes Pederneira (UFRJ)

13:30 - 2

Possessive and unpossessive morphology in Mayan and the content of roots

Grant Armstrong (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

Switching categories in syntax: parallels between infinitival nominalizations and passives in Brazilian Portuguese

Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin (UFJF)

Dalila Maria de Souza (UFJF)

Lydsson Agostinho Gonçalves (UFJF)

2 - 2:30

Roots, cardinality, and syntax: an analysis of numerals in Portuguese

Juliana Vignado (UNICAMP)

Emphatic verbal doubling in Rioplatense Spanish: implications for the theory of multiple copy realization

María Florencia Silva (Universidad de Buenos Aires)

2:30 - 3

Like two peas in a pod: for a weaker syntactic distinction between deverbal and non-deverbal nominals

Thiago Nascimento de Melo (UFRJ)

Are there focus heads in Brazilian Portuguese?

Renato Lacerda (USP)

3 - 3:30 Poster session
3:30 - 4 Poster session with coffee break
4 - 4:30


Distributing morphology at the interfaces

Alessandro Boechat de Medeiros (UFRJ)

Maria Filomena Spatti Sândalo (UNICAMP)


Ana Paula Scher (USP/UFJF)


The argument structure difference between mentir and desmentir

Ana Letícia Riffo Wechsler (UNICAMP)

4:30 - 6


Ellipsis as a window on affixation - and vice-versa

David Embick (University of Pennsylvania)

Andrés Saab (Universidad de Buenos Aires)


Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin (UFJF)