30 Years Distributing Morphology from North to South The workshop
October 5th Thursday |
October 6th Friday |
Morning | |||||||||
8:30 - 10 |
Conference Distributed Morphology: history and promise Alec Marantz (New York University) Commentators Maurício Resende (UFMG) Janayna Carvalho (UFMG) |
Distributing morphology beyond the interfaces Vitor Augusto Nóbrega (USP) Aniela Improta França (UFRJ) Indaiá de Santana Bassani (UNIFESP) |
10 - 10:30 |
The role of phonology and semantics on the neutralization of -ear and -iar verb endings in Brazilian Portuguese Lucas Pereira Eberle (UNICAMP) |
10:30 - 11 | Coffee break | ||||||||
11 - 11:30 |
Functional or lexical? A Distributed Morphology analysis of Russian suppletive verbs Alexandra Costa de Lopes Dutra (UFRJ) |
Children acquire their lexicon without prioritizing “words” Paulo Ângelo de Araújo-Adriano (UFPR/UNICAMP) Rafael Beraldo (UNICAMP) |
11:30 - 12 |
The categorial status of participles in verbal passives Lydsson Agostinho Gonçalves (UFJF) Karina Carolina Vieira (UFJF) Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin (UFJF) |
On loanwords: a constructionist analysis of generative grammar Giovana Pereira Abranches (UFRJ) Bruno de Souza Medeiros (UFRJ) Isabella Lopes Pederneira (UFRJ) |
Afternoon | |||||||||
13:30 - 2 |
Possessive and unpossessive morphology in Mayan and the content of roots Grant Armstrong (University of Wisconsin-Madison) |
Switching categories in syntax: parallels between infinitival nominalizations and passives in Brazilian Portuguese Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin (UFJF) Dalila Maria de Souza (UFJF) Lydsson Agostinho Gonçalves (UFJF) |
2 - 2:30 |
Roots, cardinality, and syntax: an analysis of numerals in Portuguese Juliana Vignado (UNICAMP) |
Emphatic verbal doubling in Rioplatense Spanish: implications for the theory of multiple copy realization María Florencia Silva (Universidad de Buenos Aires) |
2:30 - 3 |
Like two peas in a pod: for a weaker syntactic distinction between deverbal and non-deverbal nominals Thiago Nascimento de Melo (UFRJ) |
Are there focus heads in Brazilian Portuguese? Renato Lacerda (USP) |
3 - 3:30 | Poster session | ||||||||
3:30 - 4 | Poster session with coffee break | ||||||||
4 - 4:30 |
Distributing morphology at the interfaces Alessandro Boechat de Medeiros (UFRJ) Maria Filomena Spatti Sândalo (UNICAMP) Commentator Ana Paula Scher (USP/UFJF)
The argument structure difference between mentir and desmentir Ana Letícia Riffo Wechsler (UNICAMP) |
4:30 - 6 |
Conference Ellipsis as a window on affixation - and vice-versa David Embick (University of Pennsylvania) Andrés Saab (Universidad de Buenos Aires) Commentator Paula Roberta Gabbai Armelin (UFJF) |